#52, 6th Cross, 8th Main, HAL III Stage, Bangalore - 560 075

Do Not Honk Campaign


When was the last time we heard birds chirping, leaves rustling and soft breeze blowing? All that we can now hear is honk, honk and honk. “No Horns Please” is the message circulating in the air. The Indiranagar Cambridge School has taken several initiatives to create awareness among the students to protect nature and planet Earth. June and July are dedicated as “Environment Months”. The Students of The Indiranagar Cambridge School intend to be heard by sending a loud message without making a noise. This year, the students took a pledge to do their bit to reduce Noise Pollution and spread the message not to honk unnecessarily. The Students performed a Street Play depicting the impact of unnecessary honking on the physical and mental well being of people. The School distributed “Do not Honk” vehicle stickers to the Staff and Students to reinforce the message. It is a small step taken by The Indiranagar Cambridge School towards bringing down the noise pollution in the vicinity and to make one realize the significance of holistic and sustainable living.

The Students and Staff of The Indiranagar Cambridge School believe that honking is an unnecessary nuisance on the roads and at the signals. It does not help us get to a place faster or help us be safe. So we will pledge to spread the message - Do not Honk